Dec 27, 2016
032 Julius Tillery is your typical cotton farmer... except not
Listen in on his journey as one of the world’s very few black cotton growers.
Time stamp:
8:15 only time Grandpa left the farm was WW2
15:51 The PuffDaddy of farming
18:01 Old vs. new farmers
19:55 Black cotton marketing
22:38 Shitake mushrooms
Dec 20, 2016
Well bless your heart and put cheese in your grits.... here's Ashley Arrington. She talks about cuttin her teeth in ag consultin buznass
time stamp:
9:04 consultan buznass
10:25 what is a grit
16:00 apologies with pot brownies
21:47 differences in farmers
25:19 agvocates
28:30 bless your heart
38:43 flying as a...
Dec 13, 2016
Here is the live audio from the duel podcast at the AgChat conference last week.
Dec 6, 2016
Matt Welte (@jrlikeswhisky) has an incredible ag story. Unfortunately it is overshadowed by his love for cats.
Time stamps:
9:09 BTO talk
13:42 Is a hiredhand a farmer?
18:40 J R L I K E S W H I S K Y
25:48 Farmer hockey
28:51 Jr. embraces his inner agvocate
33:37 Jrlovescats
Nov 29, 2016
Karen Corrigan, or Weedgirl, shares what it is like being an independent agronomist. Between locking her kid in the car, and her epic Twitter battles, she juggles business and family.
time stamps:
7:20 filling the Extension void
19:41 locking her kid in the car
23:39 Ag social media
33:52 what an agronomist feeds her...