Mar 28, 2017
Belinda Bowman had a life changing experience when she went to Africa to help people feed themselves. Her charity has transferred over to trying to help the victims of the wildfires.
Mar 21, 2017
Trent Cadra is a rancher in Texas who was struck by the wildfires. Although you really wouldn't know it by talking to him. Even with suffering a loss he is focused on others.
Special thanks to Julie Tomascik
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listen to the whole damn...
Mar 14, 2017
043 Jerod McDaniel completely destroys the good feelings that I would get when someone would post a picture of a bottle-feeding calf. He’s got an amazing story of taking over the farm at the age of 18.
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7:00 are agvocates being...
Mar 7, 2017
Katie Hancock is a farmer from Kentucky and doesn’t like hunting. Plus she is raising Satan’s chickens
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Time stamps:
7:12 Katie doesn’t like hunting
19:15 Chickens from the 7th circle of Hell
22:41 ...