Jul 25, 2017
Greg Manning is North Carolina through and through. We talk growin bacca and getting married. His interview starts at 8:35.
Rachael Spangelo gives a quick update on the wildfires
to help call Sheriff Clay 406-977-2540
to donate hay 406-853-1287
please visit our advertiser Matt Boucher
Potential Ag...
Jul 18, 2017
Natalina Sents spent a year going to all 50 states to meet farmers. It gives her a very unique view on how agriculture should interact with the public.
Time Stamps:
7:37 Fight for what you want
16:20 Role of a farm wife
23:40 Telling your story (this is good)
36:58 The car...
Jul 11, 2017
Steve Pitstick has been a pioneer in agriculture for decades, listen as he has an honest conversation about agricultures views on divorce and homosexuality
Please follow #dirtroadtour on social media
Time stamps:
8:24 video killed the radio store
19:30 divorce in ag
28:28 breakfast conversation…...
Jul 4, 2017
Dr. Cody Creelman is ‘the name” in agriculture vlogs. His, no-holds-bar look at veterinary practices has set him apart. He talks about puss, palpations, and other… stuff
Please track #DirtRoadTour on social media
Time stamps
10:00 He be vloggin
24:16 Screw Dr. Pol
27:35 Dr. Pimplepopper
32:45 ...