Dec 27, 2016
032 Julius Tillery is your typical cotton farmer... except not
Listen in on his journey as one of the world’s very few black cotton growers.
Time stamp:
8:15 only time Grandpa left the farm was WW2
15:51 The PuffDaddy of farming
18:01 Old vs. new farmers
19:55 Black cotton marketing
22:38 Shitake mushrooms
Dec 20, 2016
Well bless your heart and put cheese in your grits.... here's Ashley Arrington. She talks about cuttin her teeth in ag consultin buznass
time stamp:
9:04 consultan buznass
10:25 what is a grit
16:00 apologies with pot brownies
21:47 differences in farmers
25:19 agvocates
28:30 bless your heart
38:43 flying as a...
Dec 13, 2016
Here is the live audio from the duel podcast at the AgChat conference last week.
Dec 6, 2016
Matt Welte (@jrlikeswhisky) has an incredible ag story. Unfortunately it is overshadowed by his love for cats.
Time stamps:
9:09 BTO talk
13:42 Is a hiredhand a farmer?
18:40 J R L I K E S W H I S K Y
25:48 Farmer hockey
28:51 Jr. embraces his inner agvocate
33:37 Jrlovescats